What’s your Self-improvement Plan?
Alden Mills is a former Navy SEAL who wrote a great book called Be Unstoppable. In the book, Mills uses the acronym UPERSIST to coach someone how to activate their highest potential.
Keep reading to see the acronym and gain a few thoughts on how to activate each point.
Understand Your Why: Reflect on your purpose and motivations. Why do you want to achieve your goals? Understanding your “why” provides clarity and drives action.
Plan: Set clear objectives and create a roadmap. A well-structured plan helps you stay focused and organized.
Energize to Execute: Maintain physical and mental energy. Prioritize self-care, exercise, and proper nutrition to fuel your efforts.
Recognize Your Reason to Believe in Yourself: Cultivate self-belief. Acknowledge your strengths and accomplishments.
Survey Your Habits: Evaluate your daily routines. Identify habits that support your goals and eliminate those that hinder progress.
Improvise to Overcome Obstacles: Adaptability is key. When challenges arise, find creative solutions and adjust your approach.
Seek Expert Advice: Learn from others. Seek guidance from mentors, coaches, or experts in relevant fields.
Team Up: Collaborate with like-minded individuals. Surround yourself with a supportive network.
If you want to evaluate where you are and where you are going, take 10 minutes and go through this checklist. Write out your answers and see where you need to make improvements.
Mills also uses another acronym in the book to encourage the reader to have the willpower to continue on. Read the acronym and some thoughts about how to activate them in your life.
Never: Persevere through adversity. Never give up, even when faced with difficulties.
Ever: Maintain unwavering determination. Consistency is crucial.
Give: Refuse to surrender. Keep pushing forward.
Up: Rise above setbacks. Embrace resilience.
It’s really, SIMPLE. Make the choice and Don’t give up and Don’t give in. As Admiral Bill McRaven said in his May 22nd, 2014 commencement address at Texas A&M, “If you want to change the world, don’t ever, ever ring the bell”.
We all encounter rough waters at some point, but if you are to improve and continue forward progress you have to grab the ore and continue paddling bow first into the waves. NEGU.
Take these lessons and apply them in your life today and you will be in a much better place tomorrow.